Users may now use scripts to automate recurring processes and save time on routine tasks. When starting TeamViewer, users now connect to the fastest server available in order to experience the best connection quality. TeamViewer has expanded its network infrastructure worldwide to increase performance while also laying the foundation for future growth. Streamlined Server Infrastructure & Improved Connection Quality

With improved image quality and intelligent resource allocation, TeamViewer provides you with the most innovative and powerful remote assistance solution for macOS on the market. TeamViewer 14 uses the latest macOS Mojave technologies. Optimized for Performance on macOS Mojave TeamViewer 14 improves speed and reliability for users running on connections with less than 1 Mbit/s due to smart adaptive compression that auto-detects low bandwidth and adjusts compression. For more information about TeamViewer Pilot, please see here. In an extended trial period, all existing and new subscribers are invited to see the AR experience with their own eyes. It enables experts to remotely guide users through complex operations via live camera-sharing and on-screen annotations.
TeamViewer 14 gives access to TeamViewer’s innovative AR solution, TeamViewer Pilot, which expands the power of remote assistance software beyond IT support into the real world. It features pioneering Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities alongside major improvements in performance, productivity and security. Having graduated from preview to final status, TeamViewer’s newest flagship solution now is recommended for use in production environments. Tampa Bay, November 13, 2018 – TeamViewer®, a global leader in secure remote connectivity solutions, today announced the immediate availability of TeamViewer 14 Final. TeamViewer Releases TeamViewer 14 Final TeamViewer 14 is now available!